Monday, June 4, 2007

The morning after

Well, this morning i'm feeling rather lousy again. I know I ate too much last night and i'm feeling terrible. I've been reading a fitness forum all morning and my god there are some incredibly dedicated people out there. These people's lives revolve entirely around diet and exercise. They are all much fitter, skinnier, toned than i am and they just participate in the industry - I work in the industry. For about ten minutes I found myself saying "I'll start dieiting and exercising like a madman again and i'll be able to look like that too". It only lasted ten minutes though. There are more important things in life than having a toned body. I know this now (though it took me several years to reach that conclusion). I do however need to stop eating so poorly. Not becuase i'm worried that i'll get fat, but because I'm feeling revolting. I teach three bodystep and five RPM classes per week so I do think i'm doing enough exercise. When I pick up bodypump as well, that is going to increase so I know for sure that the reason i'm feeling the way I am is because i'm eating badly.

Right now I just dont have the time to dedicate to 'getting buff'. Plus, my priorities are elsewhere at the moment. I've got uni for one, which is tied first as the most important thing happening with me at the moment. Tied first with Selwood that is :P He takes up a lot of time and energy. Once he gets a little older i'm going to start running again, but at the moment I cant leave him alone for too long so my exercise is limited to my aerobics classes.

I think I'm just having a bad run at the moment. The thought of spending EXTRA time in the gym is actually quite horrible. I love teaching my classes but I also love leaving at the end of class. I've been saying to people for some time now that I dont wnat to spend the younger part of my life slogging it out in the gym, and I mean it. I'm hoping that this passes soon!

Brad is in America right now for a work conference. I can't wait till he gets back. He always makes me feel better about this kind of stuff.

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