Sunday, May 27, 2007

As a writer, I feel its my duty to contribute to the world of blogging. I've had loads of fitness and health related blogs before but never really one dedicated to my personal thoughts. So here it is...

Where does one start with a blog like this? I guess the things which are pressing most upon my mind would be an ideal place to start.

I've just become a guide dog puppy carer and i've got my first puppy, Selwood, sitting on my lap as I type. I've only had him for five days but goodness me we have bonded already. I've had dogs my whole life but when you're a teenager I guess your parents kind of take care of all the hard stuff when it comes to raising a pet. This time, its all up to me. He's like a newborn baby, he wakes up in his cage/pen two or three times a night and cries endlessly. Sleepless nights are quite common at the moment. Not that I have any children of my own to measure this by, but I feel as tired as a new mother does.

He requires constant attention and supervision at the moment because he's teething and he chews just about everything he can get his little jaw around. Because he's a guide dog in training we have to make sure he stops chewing as soon as possible. He's also having some issues with the whole toilet training thing. He has to be taught to pee and poop on command and at the moment he is just going wherever he happens to be at that point in time. He is completely and totally dependent on me for everything.

My girlfriend came over last night and was so shocked that I'd actually gone through with the decision to become a carer. It was almost like she didnt believe it when I told her that I'd got the dog and when she saw it with her own eyes, she went into a state of shock. She asked me whether I'd thought about how much responsibility i'd just taken on. The thing is, i've been ready for something like this for such a long time. And the sleepless nights,the constant washing of pooped towels etc are nothing compared to the joy that he brings to my life. I adore him and I adore taking care of him. My life has obviously needed to be altered to cater for him, but I dont care. He's sitting on my lap right now all curled up and I look at him and all I can see is total love. When I look at him I realise there is nothing I wouldnt do to make sure he grows up a strong and responsive guide dog. Its now my job to ensure his success. More than ever I want him to succeed. When someone else is so completely dependent on you for the general day to day things they need in order to survive, you really get an understanding and sense of self worth. I feel like my own life is now so much more important because he needs to succeed.

It is however, going to be VERY hard giving him back...

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